Borrego Benchmark Club, Benchmark List, revised on August 28, 2020
Key to column headings: Entries are listed geographically from north to south. BBC ID: Sequential number identification Dec-97 ID: Original numbering when the list was first devised in 1997. BM Name: The name stamped on the benchmark. An asterisk by the name indicates it is not shown on the topo map. EL, ft.: Elevation in feet. Topo Map (7.5 min.): The name of the map the benchmark is on. Comment: Notes about the benchmark. PID (NGS): The Permanent Identifer used by the USGS to identify the benchmark. CL: The climbing classification. A 2B indicates scrambling in heavy brush. EL: How the elevation is shown on the map. A BM or VABM is usual for a benchmark. Latitude: Listed as DD MM SS.S Longitude: Listed as DDD MM SS.S Note: Latitude and Longitude are in WGS 84 datum. UTM,E: The UTM grid easting value in meters. UTM, N: The UTM grid northing value in meters. Note: UTM values are in NAD 27 in Zone 11S. Map, Intr.: The contour interval on the map. Usually 40 ft. Date: Date of the topo map. Land: PL = Private land. ABDSP = Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. BLM = Bureau of Land Management. CSP = Cuyamaca State Park. LCIR = Los Coyotes Indian Reservation. SYIR = San Ysabel Indian Reservation. CP = County Park. CIA = Carrizo Impact Area. Lucky 5 = Lucky 5 Ranch. CNF = Clevland National Forest. TMIR = Torres Martinez Indian Reservation. |