SPS, Sierra Peaks Section, 248 Peaks
The Sierra Peak Section was founded in October 1955 as a section in the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. The peak list proposed by Frank Sanborn, the first chair of the SPS, contained 100 peaks. Miles Brubacher, the first chair of the Mountaineering Committee, added to this list and compiled the first list of qualifying peaks around November 1955. It had 200 peaks on it with 10 emblem peaks. The present list of 248 peaks extends from Pilot Knob the most southerly peak west of Walker Pass, to Adams Peak the most northerly peak which is about 30 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada. All of the peaks are in California except Mount Rose which is in Nevada. The SPS list has 15 emblem peaks and 35 mountaineers peaks. In the waypoint files the emblem peaks are identified by a # symbol in front of the name in the 16 character description and the mountaineer's peaks are identified by a * symbol. There is no duplication between the emblem and mountaineer's peaks.
The official publication
of the SPS is The Sierra Echo which is issued six times a year. Subscriptions are $10.00 per year and are paid to the current treasurer who is: Alexander Smirnoff who can be reached at: treasurer@sierrapeaks.org. The Section does not publish a peaks guide for the list ,however most of the peaks are covered in the book: The High Sierra, by R.J.Secor, published by the Mountaineer's, Seattle, WA, 1992. Those northern peaks not covered in this book are described in the Northern Sierra Peaks Guide, by Pete Yamagata. This is available by sending $10.00 to: Toiyabe Chapter, Sierra Club, Box 8096, Reno, NV 89507. The SPS has a web page at: http://angeles.sierraclub.org/sps/. Another good site for a listing of SPS peaks accessable by a clickable map is: http://www.climber.org/data/SierraPeaks.html
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Revised: November 2012