Notes on use of the Nevada Prominence List - April 21, 2016 This list of 1486 peaks has all of the peaks greater than 1000 ft. of prominence in Nevada except possibly a couple of unnamed peaks close to the 1000 foot value. It also has many peaks of interest below 1000 feet. I have typically favored a named summit over an unnamed one. Included are all the county high points and all of the mountain range high points identified by Alvin McLane in his book "Silent Cordilleras". I have identified 69 Wilderness Area High Points in this list. Many of these are existing peaks, but some new ones were added. Mr. McLane included hills as part of his mountain range list. I have separated hills and the hills high points are identifed. There may be a few minor or hard to identify hills that I have missed or chose to leave out. Also, Mr. McLane named some ranges and they are not named as such on the relevant topo maps. The USGS has often accepted his judgement. When a range is not identified on the topo I have put an asterisk by the "Range HPT" designation. Elevations are taken from the 7.5 minute topo maps. If there is a benchmark with a data sheet then I have used the corrected VERTCON elevation provided by the USGS. Generally this will be a few feet higher than that shown on the topo map. Prominence values are from Lists of John which I feel is an accurate and definitive source. Check out the site at: Some minor peaks and benchmarks do not have a prominence value and in that case it is probably below a few hundred feet. Terrain Navigator notes: 1. When imported into the program the names will show on the maps in six colors according to their prominence. This table shows the color scheme: >5K prominence = Red 2. If you click on the name and select "EDIT" you will see the elevation and prominence in feet. Also shown are details on how the elvation is found. Spot means a fixed number is shown on the map. BM means a small triangle is on the map and the peak has a survey disk or benchmark. Inter. means there is no value on the map and the convention is to add one-half the contour interval to the last and highest closed contour shown at the summit. This represents a good approximation. 3. If you have a newer GPS you can load all 1486 peaks into the unit. Older units accept only 500 or maybe 1000 waypoints. The list is arranged by descending prominence so you can edit the text file by deleting peaks below a certain value to shorten the list. For example cutting off peaks below 1000 feet will leave 605 peaks. Deleting those below 1300 feet will leave 389 peaks. Note that if you delete peaks below 1000 feet you will loose a number of Range and Hills high points and a few County high points. 4. When loaded into a newer Garmin GPS such as the GPSMap 62S the notes will show up in the waypoint list. You will be able to see the elevation, prominence, elevation status and whether the peak is a Range, Hills or County high point. County high point is abbreviated: CHPT. Wilderness high points are identified as WldHpt. 5. Sometimes the waypoint or marker names are too small. On the toolbar at the upper left click on VIEW and then LAYER SIZE/VISIBILITY. On that page you will see a horizontal slider bar. Move this to the right and the size of all the markers will increase. |