DPS, Desert Peaks Section, 99 Peaks (revised August, 2014)
The Desert Peaks Section is the oldest of the peak climbing clubs in California having been started in 1941 by Chester Versteeg a member of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. The first peaks list consisted of only seven peaks in the ranges east of Owens Valley. The first scheduled activity of the group was a climb of New York Butte in the Inyo Mountains on November 15-16, 1941. Activities were hindered by gas rationing in the war years and it wasn't until 1945 that the group became active and became an official section of the Angeles Chapter. Peaks were added and deleted over the years until 97 peaks were on the list by April 1990. In a vote in the spring of 1999 the membership decided to add Bridge Mountain in the Red Rocks Area of Clark County, Nevada. In the spring of 2003 Muddy Peak in Clark County, Nevada was added by a vote of the membership for a new total of 99 peaks. Emblem peaks, considered significant or dominant peaks in an area, have remained at seven since 1973. In the waypoint files the emblem peaks are identified by a # symbol in front of the peak name in the 16 character description.
From the original list of only seven peaks in California the DPS list now has 66 peaks in California, 9 peaks in Arizona, 17 peaks in Nevada, 3 peaks in Utah, and 4 in Mexico. The hiking difficulty varies widely from short hikes on peaks such as Sombrero and East Ord to a long, difficult backpack on El Picacho del Diablo in Mexico. At least five peaks require some rock climbing skills and a four-wheel drive vehicle is desirable to reach the trailhead of many peaks.
The official newsletter of the DPS is The Desert Sage which is published six times a year and costs $10.00. Full membership is attained by belonging to the Sierra Club, climbing 6 of the 99 peaks, and sending in $10.00 to the treasurer. For further information contact Ron Bartell at: ronbartell@yahoo.com. Tele: 310-546-1977
The section publishes a very complete Road and Peaks Guide which I strongly recommend for those attempting to complete the list. The Guide is $15.00 including postage and it can be purchased at their website: DPS Merchandise
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