High Point Lookout, San Diego County, California

Located in Cleveland National Forest, Elevation = 6142 ft.

This is a recent photo of Highpoint Lookout provided by Brad Eells after extensive rework was done by volunteers. This lookout is staffed by volunteers during the summer months. You can check the weather at Highpoint using this link to an automated weather station at the tower: http://aprs.fi/weather/KF6ILA-10
High Point Lookout is on the highest part of Palomar Mountain a little over one mile east of the Observatory. A tower was first built on this site in 1934 and the current 67 foot high tower was built as a replacement in 1964. This site has not been staffed for about ten years, but is scheduled for repairs and may be staffed by volunteers in the next year. This lookout is on the National Historic Lookout Register #735. Photo taken in February, 2003.
This is Reference Mark #2 placed in 1939 near the lookout. The primary benchmark could not be found. Datasheet: DX5064